Tag Archives: #business

– Even success in business needs faith

We just have to accept that the proliferation of charlatans masquerading as spiritual leaders has caused many to loathe any discussion with a tinge of spirituality, as a reference for receiving wisdom to ensure success in one’s professional and business lives.

One swallow does not a summer make.” In world with millions doing well, being good world citizens and caring for others, we cannot taint the entire body of useful spiritual knowledge in business because of the abhorrent actions of a fast growing “rotten” sample.

Nevertheless, it sounds obvious but not entirely so, that it is impossible to be successful in anything without faith. You cannot pursue anything successfully if you do not believe such action will result in you achieving a favourable outcome. Whether the outcome ultimately becomes a success or failure is not the point, suffice it to say your actions are informed by your beliefs.

For now, it does not matter who you believe or believe in. What matters more is what you believe. Our plans, strategies and actions are premised on expectations of a good outcome. In fact, it is impossible to live without expectation of good outcome in the future. I wish many aspirant business owners could remember this fact always the next time they feel tempted to give up on their businesses. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 October 2018. Continue reading

#JobSatisfaction – Are you happy with your profession, job or business?

At some point in life we’d question our purpose and value in, if not to, society. Taking responsibility for one’s life is a lifelong goal. Finding the harmony between what one desires and one ought to do isn’t always a straightforward peaceful exercise.

If it were easy to earn an income from doing work one enjoys, everyone’s life would be blissful. Circumstances of our lives sometimes goad us into making decisions and choices we would naturally not make.

Tools are available to help us resolve conflicting experiences and circumstances in making such choices. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 27 July 2017. Continue reading


It’s very rare interacting with emerging or small businesses and not face requests for upfront payment before any delivery of service or product is made. It’s quite refreshing, on the one hand, seeing small businesses focusing on the problem and related solution without first mentioning upfront payment.

I feel for small businesses and their need to increase working capital to fund business operations. I have found that many customers are turned off by upfront discussions of payment. When is it the right time to discuss matters about money? By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 September 2016. Continue reading

– Everybody Needs A Big Break In Life

My heart is filled with joy whenever I visit the hood (as youngsters would say) and seeing many smaller shops and businesses that used to be our source of supplies for goods and services throughout my childhood still running. Despite the onslaught of shopping centres and well-established national retailers cropping up in the neighbourhood, they are still straddling along. It’s a good thing that they have survived the worst and are still standing, yet also concerning that they seem to be stagnant or are dying slowly.

By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 August 2016. Continue reading


Persistent failure to persuade people to consider our proposals could sometimes be owing to our asking wrong people for help, seeking answers in wrong places and knocking on wrong doors. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 June 2016. Continue reading

Achieving Business Growth through Business Relationships

Growing business is every business owner’s dream and mission. Many avenues are available for raising capital to achieve such growth. Joint ventures, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions are some methods available for growing a business.

Many emerging business owners rushed, to their peril, in establishing business relationships only to witness the devastation those relationships have caused to their companies. There’s no need to learn the hard way. Help is at hand. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 March 2016. Continue reading


What an explosive start to 2016 we have had! The highly charged atmosphere at the beginning of the year was a continuation of the prior explosive end to 2015 when massive outflow of funds left our shores, the outcome attributed to “surprise” leadership changes in the government’s finance ministry.

The recent repo rate hike may spell doom for some. To those planning to become new business owners in partial fulfilment of their 2016 New Year resolutions, do not allow unpleasant events like these deter you from your resolve. With the dawn of February, this is a good time to reflect on progress achieved against your entrepreneurship New Year Resolutions.

By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 January 2016. Continue reading


Success is earned. To keep it, it needs to be sustained. These obvious facts are not so obvious when you’re struggling with and facing many debilitating challenges. Life feels unfair especially when people around you seem successful without much fuss. Unlike what many may believe, sustainable success cannot be demanded. It is the result of what has been produced. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 28 October 2015. Continue reading