Tag Archives: #Rights#


Success is earned. To keep it, it needs to be sustained. These obvious facts are not so obvious when you’re struggling with and facing many debilitating challenges. Life feels unfair especially when people around you seem successful without much fuss. Unlike what many may believe, sustainable success cannot be demanded. It is the result of what has been produced. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 28 October 2015. Continue reading


By Nimroth Gwetsa, 26 January 2015

 150126 service delivery 1   150126 service delivery 2 (Pictures respectively from www.iol.co.za and www.enca.com, last accessed 26/ 01/ 2015)

This article is not an attempt to remix Roberta Flack’s Grammy Hall of Fame inducted rendition of Killing Me Softly. Hers is a Goldie Oldie. Different adaptations of her song earned many an artist, top dollar. Almost all versions of the song topped the charts everywhere they were played.

The feeling of entitlement, like Charles Fox’s composition of Flack’s song, also has its chart topping effect. Unlike Flack’s, entitlement mentality is a sure way of earning higher levels of impoverishment. This bold conclusion is based on my unscientific observation. Inequality and impoverishment is the outcome caused by different factors. This article is mainly concerned about the effect entitlement mentality could have in rising levels of impoverishment. Continue reading