Tag Archives: #solution

– Keep It Simple

If you want to be dependable, effective and build long lasting profitable relationships, learn to keep “it simple”. Many technocrats make the mistake of trying to prove their sophistication by complicating simple matters. Perhaps they are not doing this to impress. Maybe they want to win by instilling fear and silencing opposition and those proud enough to ask for explanation of jargon used.

Business problem solvers must do their best to keep it simple, for having it any other way will result in strained relationships. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 July 2020. Continue reading

– Which side are you on?

In one of the many phrases the former US President George Bush ever uttered is the one he said in a joint 2001 address with then French President Jacques Chirac. In his call for nations to provide substantive material support in the fight against terror, he sternly said, “You’re either with us or against us in the fight against terror.”

The line was drawn in the sand. In his mind, the time for neutrality was over. Nations had to decide whether they favoured the US military action against identified enemies or were collectively seen as part of those opposed to the US. Neutrality was seen as indirect support for forces against the US coalition.

Sometimes our experiences put us in the same situation. We either garner strength to be against forces of evil, negativity, polarisation and selfishness or we join forces to advance everyone’s welfare. In other words, we are either a problem or a solution. No fence-sitting. Which side are you on? By Nimroth Gwetsa, 27 June 2017. Continue reading


It’s very rare interacting with emerging or small businesses and not face requests for upfront payment before any delivery of service or product is made. It’s quite refreshing, on the one hand, seeing small businesses focusing on the problem and related solution without first mentioning upfront payment.

I feel for small businesses and their need to increase working capital to fund business operations. I have found that many customers are turned off by upfront discussions of payment. When is it the right time to discuss matters about money? By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 September 2016. Continue reading