Tag Archives: #big business

– Be careful of partnerships you enter into, your expansion could be stunted by them

Let’s get first things out of the way. In South Africa, if you are a start-up targeting bigger businesses than yours as clients, you are more likely to fail in making any meaningful inroads towards your business success.

To make it as a start-up or small-business in acquiring bigger businesses as clients, you’d need to partner with bigger businesses already doing business with your targeted bigger business clients. Or you could expand your business by targeting ordinary consumers.

Targeting consumers can able your company “grow organically” and later become attractive to bigger businesses owing to yours having a solid customer base.

These expansion challenges are usually felt by small-businesses in the knowledge-based advisory consultancy service sector. However, smaller companies having a tangible physical product may not necessarily face the same challenges as those in the knowledge sector. Big business is more readily available to deal directly with them than they would be willing to do with smaller consultancies. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 29 August 2018. Continue reading

– Everybody Needs A Big Break In Life

My heart is filled with joy whenever I visit the hood (as youngsters would say) and seeing many smaller shops and businesses that used to be our source of supplies for goods and services throughout my childhood still running. Despite the onslaught of shopping centres and well-established national retailers cropping up in the neighbourhood, they are still straddling along. It’s a good thing that they have survived the worst and are still standing, yet also concerning that they seem to be stagnant or are dying slowly.

By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 August 2016. Continue reading