Tag Archives: #development

– Is there an end to South Africa’s unemployment and poverty crisis?

Human beings are marvellous. Even without zoologist and scientists explaining differences between humans and animals, any sane person can easily see the superiority of humans over other creatures. A mere look at innovation and developments humans brought about and other feats achieved, shows the greatness of humans above other creatures.

Despite this greatness, human beings seem unable to resolve age-old problems whose remedies are known and documented. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 May 2016. Continue reading


Success is earned. To keep it, it needs to be sustained. These obvious facts are not so obvious when you’re struggling with and facing many debilitating challenges. Life feels unfair especially when people around you seem successful without much fuss. Unlike what many may believe, sustainable success cannot be demanded. It is the result of what has been produced. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 28 October 2015. Continue reading