Tag Archives: @faith#

– Even success in business needs faith

We just have to accept that the proliferation of charlatans masquerading as spiritual leaders has caused many to loathe any discussion with a tinge of spirituality, as a reference for receiving wisdom to ensure success in one’s professional and business lives.

One swallow does not a summer make.” In world with millions doing well, being good world citizens and caring for others, we cannot taint the entire body of useful spiritual knowledge in business because of the abhorrent actions of a fast growing “rotten” sample.

Nevertheless, it sounds obvious but not entirely so, that it is impossible to be successful in anything without faith. You cannot pursue anything successfully if you do not believe such action will result in you achieving a favourable outcome. Whether the outcome ultimately becomes a success or failure is not the point, suffice it to say your actions are informed by your beliefs.

For now, it does not matter who you believe or believe in. What matters more is what you believe. Our plans, strategies and actions are premised on expectations of a good outcome. In fact, it is impossible to live without expectation of good outcome in the future. I wish many aspirant business owners could remember this fact always the next time they feel tempted to give up on their businesses. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 October 2018. Continue reading


By Nimroth Gwetsa, 09 March 2015

The power of belief could be likened to using atomic energy in overcoming challenges. Its potency could transform abilities of ordinary human beings to extraordinary levels. Failures in our advancement could be overcome by exercising more faith.

Belief powerfully propels our hope to overcoming challenges and increases our expectations of a better future outcome. Without belief, there would be no hope but despair.

To what extent could our failure to achieve our developmental, financial or any other goals be due to weaknesses in our belief in envisioned goals? Continue reading