Tag Archives: #crisis

#Disaster – How resilient are you against major setbacks?

The recently released report by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) on “Poverty Trends in South Africa” in the period between 2006 and 2015[1], shows that life got more difficult for many South Africans. The hardship in question is experienced at the core or foundation of life where one does not know where one’s next meal would come from. If ever one was unsure about what disaster looked like, this is it, more so considering wastages we see in many aspects of our lives.

 We live in a part of the world full of valuable natural resources. It is shameful that many are highly impoverished in a country such as ours with vast resources and technological and developmental advancements. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 August 2017. Continue reading

– Is there an end to South Africa’s unemployment and poverty crisis?

Human beings are marvellous. Even without zoologist and scientists explaining differences between humans and animals, any sane person can easily see the superiority of humans over other creatures. A mere look at innovation and developments humans brought about and other feats achieved, shows the greatness of humans above other creatures.

Despite this greatness, human beings seem unable to resolve age-old problems whose remedies are known and documented. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 May 2016. Continue reading