Tag Archives: #hope#


By Nimroth Gwetsa, 09 March 2015

The power of belief could be likened to using atomic energy in overcoming challenges. Its potency could transform abilities of ordinary human beings to extraordinary levels. Failures in our advancement could be overcome by exercising more faith.

Belief powerfully propels our hope to overcoming challenges and increases our expectations of a better future outcome. Without belief, there would be no hope but despair.

To what extent could our failure to achieve our developmental, financial or any other goals be due to weaknesses in our belief in envisioned goals? Continue reading

– Preparing for and dealing with consequences of #financial difficulties

For some, these are hard economic times we live in: Government debt is increasing, tax revenue is declining and prices for goods and services are increasing. Businesses and consumers are feeling the pressure. Almost all economic sectors have shed jobs and some continue to do so. Many companies and families are forced into bankruptcy. Hope has been lost, resulting in others taking avoidable, yet irreversible drastic actions. Where there is life, there is hope. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 09 December 2014.

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