Tag Archives: #graft#

– Let us try to find a way to win

When wrestling difficulties of expanding the business, protecting it against major setbacks that could result in its premature closure, may be the last thing and least priority on the owner’s mind.

Documentaries have been created detailing stories of economic difficulties of life during world wars, and those who lived long enough in this country, can also attest to difficulties of life for many during apartheid. But life in South Africa today, especially for the youth, is difficult to bear. Coupled with their parents lacking material resources to help them, and burdened by heavy debt of trying to improve their education and skills, many are still faced with bleak prospects of being active participants in this poor economy.

The high increasing costs of living, much less, rising property prices, have made life extremely difficult for many people and much worse, the youth in this country. If there ever was a time for wanting to make a difference and having meaning in your life, this is it and it is now urgent that we truly come together to turn our hopeless situation around. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 December 2019. Continue reading

– Graft: We are to blame for the scourge of corruption

By Nimroth Gwetsa, 11 February 2015.

Corruption was the leverage used by the sophisticated and power hungry to corruptly cling to power and privileges. Corruption nowadays is the pastime of ordinary people.

Doing one’s job has been replaced with an attitude of “greasing palms first” before serving needs. Objectivity is no longer acceptable. Bribery is the instrument for advancement.

This article attempts to encourage those opposed to graft to be vigilant and to limit opportunities for corruption to thrive in their sphere of influence. Continue reading