Tag Archives: #priorities

– #COVID-19 #Lockdown – Don’t lower your guard

With our country experiencing recession and having recently had a sovereign credit rating downgrade to subinvestment (junk) grade, the covid-19 induced lockdown will mean more economic woes for many SMMEs and ordinary people alike. Many already struggle to adjust to a new routine of staying put with limited contact with the outside world, and some are facing job-losses after the lockdown. And with our public-health facilities already taking strain, depression will be on the rise. It’s normal for many to feel helpless, demotivated and discouraged, while some, in the same vein, resorting to pursuing quick “feel-good” solutions that may be ruinous in the long run if not carefully managed. We need to be alert and watchful against becoming sidetracked and ignoring the importance of using this lockdown period to face and tackle our challenges head on so we can emerge stronger afterwards. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 March 2020. Continue reading