Tag Archives: #JobCreation

– Creating #Jobs and Cutting #Unemployment cannot be accomplished by effort alone

One thing I have observed over the years is the ease with which people with limited knowledge and understanding of Scientific and technical concepts often attribute unfamiliar or unnatural phenomena to witchcraft.

Perhaps I’m wrong and deluded in my dismissal of their beliefs and related explanations and arguments, or that I lack a “deeper” understanding of life’s other dimensions. All I know, I do not believe witchcraft exists especially in the manner and form others explain it to be. I refer specifically to occult practices of casting spells remotely, such as “sending” lightning or other curses remotely to condemn another person. The kind of “witchcraft” I believe exists is one about poisoning using indigenous nervous system attacking poisonous herbs. But even with such poisoning, it cannot be done remotely but through a victim’s physical contact with a poisoned object.

I do, however believe there are “spiritual” powers of good and evil, able to work through and in people. With such beliefs, I risk being accused of having the same mumbo-jumbo beliefs I’m decrying on witchcraft. Be that as it may, it is the risk I am prepared to take.

My belief is simply this: there comes a time when successful job creation and/ or employment can only be effected at the behest of some divine power. In such cases, no matter what anyone does, if that divine power does not approve such efforts, nothing positive will come to pass. All other efforts attempting to counter deity’s power will amount to nothing. This article, however, is not about giving a sermon on faith or conversion of people and discouraging others from exerting more and smarter efforts to improve their lives. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 31 July 2018. Continue reading