Tag Archives: #Entrepreneurs

– It is now time we #WalkTheTalk

As if our political and social problems insufficiently kept us sick and depressed for days, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch added to our woes, relegating our country’s bonds to sub-investment grade. Moody’s, bless their souls Lord, decided to play the wait-and-see game, placing us on notice for now. Our new finance minister’s recent trip to New York to assure international investors seems to have hit a brick wall.

Our country seems fiercely divided on many issues, at least as seen through the social and mainstream media lenses. Differences include those about the approach for overcoming problems facing us. The “Madiba magic” is no more. Cry our beloved country.

But not all is lost. We somehow agree on our predicament and need to find a way out. How then do we get there when we disagree on so many issues and cannot even get traction on what we agree on? By Nimroth Gwetsa, 28 April 2017. Continue reading