Tag Archives: #distraction

– Beware of Distractions

Despite the hardship fuelled by today’s economy where blue, white and pink-collar workers experience job losses, the digital economy presents us with opportunities to make a living from many activities. Many jobs people do nowadays would, in the past, not be regarded as “real” jobs.

The fullness and diversity of life make us appreciate the many offerings and activities people get involved in and reward them for doing so. Today’s ordinary person is one familiar with, if not adept at, many aspects of life. Gone are the days when people were ignorant in activities not central to their paid jobs. A typical urbanised member of society knows more about the environment, economy, politics, science and technology, health, law and art among others than, perhaps, what their past century equivalent was.

In this light, the rise of digitisation makes it easier for one to be easily distracted from doing one’s job for which one is hired and paid to do, to focusing on doing another’s job. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 29 May 2017. Continue reading