Tag Archives: #BadImplementation

– #SavingFace from Failing Initiatives

At what point of the protracted implementation can one “know” if one’s chosen technological solution is the wrong one and that it was now time to “disinvest” and revert to the basics? How do companies even test for soundness of reasons advanced at business case review stage when such solutions are punted? Can there be a viable and face-saving way of salvaging protracted implementations in a manner that earns decision-makers compliments?

I now understand why companies in some sectors use the same technology solution despite there being equally superior alternatives. Though technology does enable companies to differentiate themselves from competitors, the scarcity of higher skills to sustain the differentiation is often the reason many companies avoid using unique technologies for differentiation, but rely on commonly used solutions. By Nimroth Gwetsa, 30 April 2018. Continue reading